
How to Live a Good Story

How to Live a Good Story

Few things exist that everyone in this world appreciates; however, a good story is one of those few things. There is something so satisfying about reading a great novel, watching a clever movie, or listening to your friend’s juicy story that has you hanging on by the edge of your seat. A good story is captivating, moving, and inspiring. Now think of your life. Is your life a great story? Are you captivated, moved, or inspired by the life you live? If you answered no to these questions or want to make your life a better story than it currently is, then this blog is for you!  So, what makes a good story?

Antifragility: What Doesn’t Kill You Makes You Stronger

Antifragility: What Doesn’t Kill You Makes You Stronger

When we develop antifragility, we are able to experience significant personal growth and become better equipped to handle life’s trials as a result of those struggles. Resilience means we’re able to withstand the hard times in life, but antifragility means we’re actually benefiting from them.