Community Personal Experiment

Personal Experiment

  • Commit today to spend at least 20-30 minutes a day for the next 21 days cultivating a sense of community.

  • For the first seven days, dive into the information in this module to learn about community and start experimenting with some of the strategies.

  • For the remaining fourteen days, focus most of your time on practicing various strategies, especially the ones that feel best to you.

  • Record what you did each day and how you felt in your journal. 

  • At the end of your 21 day personal experiment, go back and take the Community Questionnaire again to see your progress! Cultivating a sense of community takes time so don’t give up if you haven’t seen dramatic improvement yet. Be proud of the effort you have put in thus far.

  • Make a plan for how you will continue to foster a sense of community in your life moving forward