Community Resources


  2. Roffey, S. (2013). Inclusive and exclusive belonging: The impact on individual and community wellbeing. Educational and Child Psychology, 30(1), 38-49

  3. - M. Scott Peck

  4. Okinawa Moia’s:

  5. Excessive Appetites: Jim Orford. Importance of the healing power of community.

  6. Lost Connections: Johann Hari. Hypothesis of healing community 

  7. Bowling alone by Robert D. Putnam 

  8. How to Go Beyond Diversity and Inclusion to Community and Belonging | E'Ula Green | TEDxOU

  9. The Human Need for Belonging | Amelia Franck Meyer | TEDxMinneapolis

  10. The hidden truth about human connection | Dan Foxx | TEDxChelmsford

  11. The Art of Human Connection | Ivan Cash | TEDxCulverCity