Personal Growth Experiment

Use your journal or the Well-Being Strategies Tracker Form to keep track of your efforts. 

Week 1:

  • Each day for the next 7 days, spend 20-30 minutes studying content on engaged living from the module and accompanying resources. Learn more about concepts that might not be clear to you or that you have a particular interest in. 

  • Define what you value most (people, things, principles, etc.) and then create a list of ways you often get pulled away from those values (refer to this section in your ACT matrix). What are your common “away moves” (i.e., what do you notice yourself doing to try to deal with uncomfortable internal experiences; actions that tend to take you away from who and what is important)?

  • Create a list of behaviors that will bring you closer to your values and set goals for how you would like to implement those actions.

  • By the end of week 1, you should have a clear vision of your values, the things that tend to pull you away from your values, and an understanding of how you plan to move toward them with courage and wholeheartedness.

Weeks 2 and 3:

  • Take advantage of as many opportunities as you can to make ‘towards moves.’ As you do, pay attention to how these actions make you feel.

  • Experiment with the exercises in the engaged living strategies menu. 

  • Write down your experiences (good or bad) with taking committed action. Be honest with yourself and be open to any emotions that may come up.

  • Learn from your experiences and make adjustments to your plans as needed.

  • Continue learning about engaged living through our resources tab and other online resources.