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What is flow?

  1. Moneta, G. B. (2012). On the measurement and conceptualization of flow. In Advances in flow research (pp. 23-50). Springer, New York, NY.

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  3.  Moneta, G. B. (2012). On the measurement and conceptualization of flow. In Advances in flow research (pp. 23-50). Springer, New York, NY.

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  6. Jackson, S. A. (1996). Toward a conceptual understanding of the flow experience in elite athletes. Research quarterly for exercise and sport, 67(1), 76-90.

Characteristics of Flow

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The Benefits of Flow

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  4.  Iwasaki, Y., Messina, E. S., & Hopper, T. (2018). The role of leisure in meaning-making and engagement with life. The Journal of Positive Psychology, 13(1), 29-35.

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  6. Nakamura, J., & Csikzentmihalyi, M. (2003). The construction of meaning through vital engagement.

  7.  Csikszentmihalyi, M. (1997). Finding flow: The psychology of engagement with everyday life. Basic Books.

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  10. Keller, J., & Bless, H. (2008). Flow and regulatory compatibility: An experimental approach to the flow model of intrinsic motivation. Personality and social psychology bulletin, 34(2), 196-209.

How Can I Experience Flow?

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